Once you’ve been approved, we’ll send you a confirmation email with log in instructions. You will be given access to approved images with unique links for use on your website or blog. When a customer clicks on your link it will take them to jessiesteele.com. If they make a purchase, you will earn a commission on that purchase pursuant to our 30 day cookie policy. You will have access to your very own dashboard to track your progress and you will be paid in $10.00 increments via PayPal. Affiliates do not receive commission on any self made purchases. All purchases must be made on our website jessiesteele.com unless we have made prior, specific arrangements with an individual affiliate.
Jessie Steele evaluates each applicant based on the content of their website and whether or not it fits with our company values. We do not approve any applicants with site content or links to content that is illegal, pornographic or sexually explicit, hateful, discriminatory, etc. We also evaluate the quality and design of each applicant's site and their prospective ability to drive traffic to our website and produce sales. Jessie Steele reserves the right to revoke any Affiliate's approved status at any time for any reason.